Hosts: Lou and TJ
Special Guests: Greg & Sara Koch of Metal Warrior Greg's Metal Warrior project premieres at Comic-Con International this week.
Look f...
Cheap Leis - Don't Sing Aloha
Drive Like Jehu - Here Come The Rome Plows
Mistress 77 - Can't Stop
Soulseller - Help Me Find A Way (7/27 Casbah)
Los Sai...
Cheap Leis - Don't Sing Aloha
Pitchfork - Rana
Amenity - Still
Amenity - This is Our Struggle
Hingada - Hyphenated (6/10 Casbah)
Haunta - End of Days ...
Hosts – Lou Niles and TJ Special Guest – Brian Karscig and Jason Hill of Louis XIV 7PM
Cheap Leis - Don't Sing Aloha
Drive Like Jehu - Caress
Tami &...